Semi-Precious Beads
Prehnite is a translucent to transparent gem-quality hydrated calcium aluminum silicate. It was the first mineral to be named after an individual, and it was also the first mineral to be described from South Africa, long before South Africa became one of the most important sources for precious and semi-precious gems. It was first described in 1788 after it was discovered in the Karoo dolerites of Cradock, South Africa. Prehnite was later named after its discoverer, Colonel Hendrik von Prehn (1733-1785), a Dutch mineralogist and an early governor of the Cape of Good Hope colony.
Prehnite is a protective stone and it is also known as a stone of prophesy. It aids spiritual communication through meditation, visualization and even astral projection. It is considered to be a very powerful dream stone. It is believed to strengthen life force and energy